One of the best things about traveling is all the lessons you can learn while on the road. This includes wisdom that comes from kindness and humility, the irreplaceable excitement that comes with watching the sunrise from another part of the world, acquiring knowledge about efficiency and the smart use of technology to make lives easier, and of course, learning about the struggles of others–and ideally, helping them find a solution.
Couple Nikki and Jason Wynn have been on the road since 2011 and have so much learning they share with everyone on a regular basis through their website, YouTube channel, and other social media accounts. Recently, the couple has had the chance to go to Fiji, which has been coronavirus-free for a couple of weeks now. Here, they learned about the power that comes from having a positive outlook in life as displayed by locals who don’t have much material wealth, but have plenty of happiness to share.
They also learned how advertising has helped create an image about the country that is very much detached from reality. In addition, they discovered about the Fijians’ struggles when it comes to getting access to potable water.
Nikki Wynn shares, “The first thing they told us when we got here was ‘don’t drink water directly out of the tap, make sure you drink filtered or bottled water.’ And we thought, ‘But it’s home of Fiji Water and we’re like two miles from the bottling plant. How can that possibly be?’ And so we started to do some digging and turns out 25% of Fijians don’t have access to clean water. We thought what does that even mean, and how do you survive without clean water? And all those questions have led us on a journey.”
Together with Give Clean Water, a non-profit organization whose mission is to provide sustainable clean drinking water solutions to everyone, they delivered clean water to a remote village and got to know the very simple local way of life.
In their blog post, Nikki and Jason wrote:
Progress on both sanitation and water is being made in Fiji through nonprofits like Give Clean Water and the Fijian government. UNICEF reported, “The Government’s commitment is also reflected in the National Development Plan targeting 100% access to safe drinking water by 2030 and 70% access to improved sanitation systems by 2021.”
Which is good news! Seeing progress and change is inspiring us to keep working, donating, and volunteering.
The blog post was able to help raise $10,000 within one week after it was uploaded, which is a big thing. If you watch Nikki and Jason’s video, you’ll know how much these Fijian communities need clean water to live healthier and preserve their way of life. If you’d like to help, you may visit Give Clean Water’s website today.