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Alyssa Pabellano
Alyssa Pabellano is currently not a member of any User Groups.
4 years ago no Comment

Atlanta, GA (7 December 2020) — America’s home cooks, rejoice! With the pandemic forcing us to make and consume more meals at home, some of us may find that cooking […]

4 years ago no Comment

Moms are the invisible heroes of this pandemic. Being a parent on its own looks like tough work, but I can only imagine how much harder it is during this […]

4 years ago no Comment

Ah, post-trip blues–that heavy feeling you get in your chest while looking back longingly at a destination you fell in love with, sometimes weeks, months, or even years after your […]

4 years ago no Comment

In a world where men still have an unfair advantage in terms of leadership opportunities and equal pay, it is critical for women to work together in closing the gap, […]

4 years ago no Comment

Like many teenagers back in the nineties, Andrea Butler loved to read and collect magazines, poring over the colorful pages that displayed the coolest in fashion, beauty, and pop culture. […]

4 years ago no Comment

If you’ve been paying close attention to your colleagues, you will most likely have observed the great difference between the habits and attitudes of millennials as compared to those of […]

4 years ago no Comment

In these uncertain times, good sleep and total relaxation may be hard to come by, what with the health and safety of our loved ones to be concerned about. But […]

4 years ago no Comment

During these times when days seem to blend into one another, and the global crisis we’re all going through seems to have no end in sight, we all just want […]

4 years ago no Comment

Online learning is quickly becoming the norm all over the world. For many, especially those of us who grew up in traditional classroom settings, this poses many challenges. Since you’re […]

4 years ago no Comment

Watch out, world: the most entrepreneurial generation yet is here to change the way we live. Research shows that Gen Z, a.k.a. those who were born between the years 1997 […]