Saturday, July 27, 2024

How A Millennial-Led PR Company Disrupted the PR Industry

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A lot has been said about how traditional PR had to evolve to stay relevant in the world of new media.

Despite this, a lot of PR companies remained stuck following traditional methods and techniques—due in no small part to the fact that PR, even if it was the old way of doing things, worked. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it—as the old saying goes. But this is precisely why the industry is ripe for disruption.

PR is changing—and the agencies leading the charge are acknowledging it by going against traditional PR structures and paving innovative paths to achieve better and faster results. Among them is millennial-led PR company, Publicity For Good (PFG).

PFG combines thought leadership, influencer marketing, and gives long-standing PR methods a much needed digital transformation to allow brands and businesses the opportunity to build industry influence in an insightful, relevant way. For PFG, results are hinged on one fact: that they are consumers first, and publicists second; meaning they work only with brands that they can stand by and believe in, allowing them to become true advocates and ambassadors of the brand.

Their approach to PR has allowed them to rewrite the rules of PR as they evolve their services to build better results for their clients. And their efforts have recently been recognized by one of the most prestigious award giving bodies today: the 2019 Stars of PR Award.

Joining an impressive roster of agencies for the title and beating out thousands of companies, The Bulldog Awards recognizes PFG’s exemplary work in PR in the digital age by awarding them Small Agency of the Year for 2019.

“Every entry in this Bulldog contest reveals the work of people who care. They don’t cut corners, they don’t waste money and they serve their clients -and potential customers – well. Without these talented men and women, the business would collapse. A common thread in all the entries is innovation, from the smallest agency to the biggest. Of particular interest were the Under 40 and Up and Comers. What a talented group. The industry is in great hands,” says judge and Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Tom Hallman Jr.

PFG takes pride in the fact that they are a company the celebrates creativity, diversity, and ingenuity. By breaking down traditional PR corporate structures, they have managed to find and cultivate new talents that shared the same passion for what the company stands for. Their collective experience as a team allowed different professional backgrounds and expertise to challenge industries and drive better results. Their shared vision as a company gave them focus as they forged a new way forward.“Businesses will always need brand awareness, want media coverage, and seek audience engagement. PFG still believes that PR is the best way to make it happen. The industry’s future is being driven by new technology and digital transformation. We’re actively trying to be a catalyst for this movement and are proud to have our efforts be recognized by an organization as prestigious as the Bulldog Awards,” ends Heather DeSantis, Founder of PFG.

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